Thursday, June 27, 2013

Best apps for to find stolen android phone in free – lost mobile track

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Lost android phone – anyone find your mobile. Now it’s possible in easy way using google apps in android. Google enhance public security with toward mobile lost condition.

List of free apps available in market you can use it using preinstall before you lost it – not follow with you by god, but users always remember that “Prevention is batter then cure”. I also android users and I installed it works fine with easy operate.

Using these apps you can find your mobile with GPS system with geographic location. This article helps to find out your android phone in any company like HTC, Sony, and Samsung and so on.
In this article writing by me behind in a reason, before some of the days my friends mobile stolen in cinema. We had to do may tried to find it. Then we missed it for all time. So friends don’t ignore this article and implement it in your mobile and your friends also.

Please share this link with your friends and family also,

So, I have to tried best apps to find or track your mobile in easy way with easy operated android apps. In below I will try to some basic and extra features in particular app with screen shots. All the links are safe and ready to use so don’t be afraid cause its official apps from its own site.

1.Lookout Mobile Security

lookout helps to keep safe your mobile safe and secure. Downloaded count for this apps reach to 30 millions in world wide. And it will be sharply increase in day by day.
If you are finding the apps for track my mobile. Then lookout is the best apps for you.
  • Find you mobile with geographic location
  • Louder alert set in mobile when your phone near to you.
  • On long distance lookout use GPS system, in any condition. Your GPS works fine If your GPS is set to off.
  • To find your mobile you have logged in from any other phone, and Computer also.

2.Plan B :

Second app in series to find the best apps to tack and find lost mobile. Plan B gives option only for to track your mobile in easy way apart from the Lookout.
You have to remember below three points which is display below.

  • Plan B give you a alert through the Gmail account with current location map.
See in below screen
Plan B - Steps

3.Wheres My Droid :

Third “Find and Track android phone app” is the Wheres My droid. With list of extra features. Find your phone with ringing and vibration also.

  • No one can uninstall these apps from your mobile without protected password.
  • This app also use GPS technology in any mode.
See the below image :
Wheres - Find my mobile
Wheres - Find my mobile

4.Android Lost

Android give a message to find it any condition like “without internet in your mobile”.
  • Android lost use the second option to give alert message. Its also works when your phone in lock and erace all the data from the mobile and SD card also.

I thing for my personal point of view Android lost is the best apps for all users.
See below screens:

Android Lost
For more apps and latest useful internet and mobile technology..Please connect us with Facebook, Google+ and twitter also.
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Best social media marketing tool for internet marketing in free: 2013

Posted by Jaysukh Patel 5 Comments
Most of the business works on the branding and marketing with well-known social media to take massive jump in big competition in any sector of business. so each of the business owner always meet the excellent social media time to time with posting own your business definition and article submission.

Best social sites for ever
This post helps to find out the latest social media site in 2013. You must use the effective picture with extraordinary look and give a best message in text note. Pasteurization helps to fit your best image in visitors mind and text with easy understand make more view for not understand visitors.

Previous to use other social site and make the deal with them, please you have to understand how to choose plan for branding and how to connect with them after implement below best social sites.


 TweetDeck become best social site by twitter, apart from this sites make more visitors to create best business in word wide using Facebook and Twitter. TweetDeck make more effective with posting and commenting with more number and list out format to monitor activity in a single page of comments.

HootSuite :


HootSuite give more and advance facility to combine user and find friends from list of social sites like My space, Blogger, wordpress, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ . HootSuite create heavier platform to commenting and posting your business on different sites using single click.

AddThis :

Add this
This tool helps to find out your target visitors using facebook, twitter and my space in daily touch with them using bookmarking your sites. Add this hopefully make for advertisement and its work fine in effective purpose. Now a day’s millions of the users touched in a single roof.

Instagram :


Instagram is one any one site with support video for to fit visualization explanation in target consumer in worldwide including picture and effective text format design.
Instagram make daily touch with twitter and face book with post on it.
This all the social sites make the perfect definition of marketing in social media with effective marketing and promotion of your blog or site with speed up SEO rank.
  1. If you have to say something on this post then please put your comment in below comment box.
  2. Thanks for happy sharing!
  3. Don’t miss to touch with us using Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
See related article :
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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to get combine more email at once : Gmail + Outlook + yahoo

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
This post helps to find out your mail from different services like Outlook, yahoo and Gmail account in one place.

Why we do? Outlook mail + Yahoo mail + Gmail mail

Most of the users and professional have more than one account with different email id from separate mail partner like Outlook, Gmail and Yahoo.
Now problem is then, senders don’t mind on which email id sender is sending. But on the other hand receiver can retrieve all the mail at once from different account.
Using this technique you can also send mail with different id with less effort with one account.

Step by Step guide for to send OR receive mail from different account.

If you have a gmail account then you can do this.
Step : 1
  • Login your Gmail account > Setting > Select “Account” from top tab
See below picture :

Step : 2
In below picture register user id is, Now we collaborating more one email id from using Gmail account.
  • Hit the add another email address your own.
Gmail guide - Easy mail
  • Now, you can see the another window on your screen. Text box to add another email option.
Gmail guide - Easy mail
  • Select send though Gmail option and hit the next step.
Gmail guide - Easy mail
  • Successful screen now finally on your screen. now you can complete vitrification process from reference email id.
Gmail guide - Easy mail
Step : 3
  • To get access with sending mail from different email from below screens. Now I see my already combined two emails in my gmail account.
Gmail guide - Easy mail
if you have any problem to implement for your own please give me chance to help with commenting in below comment box. I am glade help to you.
Don’t miss to connect with US using Facebook, Twitter and Google +.
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Sunday, June 23, 2013

How to logout my Gmail account from other place or computer on remotely

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
This article helps to solve your problem regarding: How to logout my Gmail account from other place or computer on remotely
Now a day’s most of the users missed out to sign-out your computer from the remote computer apart from the personal computer.

How to check my account is open in other computer with place and Browser, Time details?
Gmail helps to find last 10 histories including the current login with full and exact details.
If your account open on remote computer than “sign out all other session” option is to be visible otherwise it will be not show. You can check using this technique.

How to logout?

  • See the below screens:

For more see below video for more help:
How to logout my Gmail account from other place or computer on remotely
  • Hit the detail option: you will see the small popup in your screen. With below screen

How to logout my Gmail account from other place or computer on remotely

How to logout my Gmail account from other place or computer on remotely

Why we logout?

Gmail is not logout your account with close the browser. Because your login session will store on server side. Some of the time you will be logged after 2 days in same computer.
Problem is that whenever new users try to log in your Gmail account your account will be directly opened. And finally you can put in trouble with change password.
Now a day’s thousands of users have lost your account on this way. So I hope this article helps to solve your future problem.

If you have any problem then you can put your thought in below comment box. We will always happy from your side.
All the best! Visit again with new techniques.
Don’t miss join with us using facebook, twitter and Google+, or share this post with below comment box.
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Thursday, June 20, 2013

How to check my site contains copyright material: find copyright article

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
This article helps to find the copy right material from your blog and sites. For more you have to get exact map with any site that’s means you have to find the reference site which your site belong with copy right material. Which content is same from the other sites and your site.

copyright checker

For that we have a solution also available to stop this kind of activity from any of the other web owners. The prevent way is that register with And put logo from this site.

How to check?
Now a days on my personal opinion: is one best site to check my site contains copyright material or not. With list of post that’s have copyright contents.
You have to enter your site access URL: Ex: to check out hit the search button.
To check you have to click out and make sure you have to put up from the other sites.
If you have any other sites to check copy right content then put you below in comment box.

Why we stop?
From my suggestion we have to stop this kind of activity cause of many of the reason will be affect in future that’s make your blog or site down from the web crowd. List of affected points are display below that’s makes more trouble in you.
More of the web blogger make this kind of activity cause of to get good page rank and traffic in less time with shortcut method. But its create a problem in future. That’s reason is that any of the ad marketing program check your sites with list of criteria. One of them is “copyright material”. This article totally based on this with listing problem in below. Please follow the web rules and keep safe always. We have to prevent these types of activity on any way.

Problem in google adsense approval and other ad affiliates to accept your site?

Google adsense make a response when you are applying your site or blog for adsense program. Same for the other sites.
Your site contains copyright material. Then you have to check your site with
Remove all the contents that’s make problem in way then I hope your path will be clear for adsense approval.

You site rank will be down. Google page rank and alexa rank will be down?

If you are in trouble with you site rank not good after many hard work then check with 100% surety. You had copy pasting content in past.
Please connect with us on Google+, Facebook and twitter. Don’t miss to read upcoming interesting article with email subscription.
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Friday, June 14, 2013

Microsoft office 365 for Iphone,Ipad,Imac,IOS mobile by Microsoft

Posted by Jaysukh Patel

Microsoft office 365 for Iphone,Ipad,Imac,IOS mobile - 

 Now a days Microsoft’s upcoming new enhancement in mobile services. Microsoft gives office 365 for one month trial pack. Users can download from apple’s official sites for Iphone.

Users can install for Iphon 4S, Iphon 4, Iphon 5,Ipod touch,Ipad mini,

With minimum required OS version: 6.1 or later

Download available in apple store :  Click to download and install apps

Microsoft Office 365 For mobile

Microsoft Office 365 For mobile Edit mode

Microsoft Office 365 For mobile Facility and functionality

Microsoft Office 365 for mobile with creative shortcut 


You can share your document on web with share icon under file option available in bottom of the screen.
You can view or edit your email attached file with supported files to office 365.
Direct shortcut to attach file in your mail.


To connect your document with SkyDrive and Sharepoint. Select open option on document and then tap the Add a place option. That’s make to save your document with safe.
In this procedure you have to logged in your account.


You can Save your document on web – SkyDrive and SharePoint with save option

Office mobile Supported files with extension display in below:

  • Word - .doc, .docx, .dot, .dotx, .dotm, .docm
  • Excel  - .xls, .xlsx, .xlt, .xltx, .xlsm, .xltm
  • PowerPoint  - .ppt, .pptx, .pps, .ppsx, .pptm, .ppsm

Reset you office 365

Microsoft gives to reset option with set default option in your own mobile settings for office 365.

Presentation View

Slider type navigation look make more presentation more powerful and strong.

Easy to editing in offline mode

You can see and edit your file with recently view option in offline mode. and whenever you are online mode then your file changes save automatically in your cloud or on web
These apps available in 136 different market with 29 different languages.

For more to get alert new technology and innovation, Kindly touch Us with Facebook, twitter, and Google+ , OR subscribe with your Email.
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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Best way Free cricket score alert on mobile

Posted by Jaysukh Patel 2 Comments
This article helps to touch to live cricket match with number of ways most of the users have to mobile internet. At that moment mobile lovers don’t have to cry but implement below steps on your mobile with 100% successful technique.
Cricket Score alert on mobile

Now a day’s thousand of sites are available to get alert on your mobile with simple registration but it’s not free of charge. But below some of the technique helps to find your way make more convenient with simple massaging or miss call services to get start cricket alert on your mobile in free.

All the best! If you have any query and suggestion then put in below comment box. We are waiting your response that’s making more helpful.


Dial from your mobile which you will get alert on cricket score
: 080 300 500 55(Toll Free Number).
After you dialing toll free number, your call will automatically disconnect from zipdial.
It’s a simple and easy ways to get register your mobile apart from the other sites.
You will Get live score update in time to time, and some critical moment.
Now you will get updated any time without mobile internet


Alertrix work on mobile messaging with different alert services, here we are targeting cricket alert from Alertrix.
Cricket : Send Text message :
Type :CRI
Sent On : 56070
At first time you will be one time charged up to 3rs. After you don’t have to pay for alert.

To get cricket alert from txtweb send sms with type “@crickbuzz” send on “9243342000“ number.
This are not auto updates you will pay charge for each and every updates.

Via twitter

Twitter service for cricket score available only for air tell users.
If you have to subscribe then follow @cricket_country on twitter and subscribe it.
In this you have to register your mobile number to subscribe and receive updates via sms.
This service available only for the airtell users.

For some users opinion Alertrix option is the best among all others. Zipdial is good but it sometimes busy.

All the best! If you have any query and suggestion then put in below comment box. We are waiting your response that’s making more helpful.

For more technique please touch us with facebook, twitter, and google+ : Dont miss to share through the below Icon

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Samsung galaxy S4 Zoom Price and specification | official Camera combination

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Samsung now launching new galaxy model with Samsung galaxy zoom releasing by its official sites.
Samsung active S before releasing the galaxy zoom.
Tremendous job doing by Samsung cause of Samsung’s upcoming model in galaxy series with camera combination make more attract to photography and also smart phone for professional users.
See the below picture:
Samsung Galaxy Zoom

Samsung Galaxy Zoom- back view
Smasung glaxy zoom comes with Zoom ring on beck side of the phone make more reliable to the users in picture taking with up to 10X zooming facility.
Samsung glalxy will be famous through its shortcut features and camera to mobile powerful combination in sharing your picture directly from mobile in camera mode.

Take a best quality picture in a second
10X optical zoom and 16MP BSI CMOS Sensor give your picture quality with built in functionality of keeps picture more perfect then the simple photo with no blur and stabilizing the image while you zoomed with high quality picture and video.

Photo screen guide to point out best photo take in without learn and knowledge of taking the best picture in any atmosphere with photo suggest option in Samsung galaxy S4 zoom.

List of specification in Samsung galaxy S4 zoom


Android 4.2 (jelly bean)


4.3 inch, Qhd aMOlED Screen


AP: 1.5 Ghz Dual core processor


Front camera with 1.9 Megapixel
  • - Rear camera with 16 megapixel with X10 optical zooming facility
  • - Xenon Flash
  • - Format to picture capture : JPEG, PNG, GIF, WBMP, BMP, AGIF
  • - Different types of mode : SMART mode, Expert mode, My mode


Video recording with 1920 X 1080 30p,




Google mobile services :

most of the service by google providing available in Samsung galaxy S4 zoom with google map, plus, Play store, Messenger, Navigation, books, music act

Storage capacity (Memory) :

8GB internal memory, microSD card slot expandable up to 64GB


1.5 GB RAM


2,330 mAh
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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Samsung Ativ S price and specification

Posted by Jaysukh Patel

Samsung relaunch a new mobile Samsung ativ s with some extra in Samsung galaxy series. It’s coming after Samsung galaxy grand.
Samsung releasing with some changed OS apart from galaxy’s android OS. So windows users can buy the best features OS “Windows 8”
Microsoft gives up to 7 GB free storage on web free for Skype drive, automatically beck up your data with picture, video, and Office file and more to store.
Expected money budget should be around 30,000/- INR. From its official Samsung site.
Samsung ativ features and specification and more you will be know by below.
Samsung Ativ S

Samsung Ativ S side

Samsung Ativ S price and specification

1.Operating system

  • Smartphone OS : Windows 8 OS

2.Display & Input :

  • Looks in Display make more power full then the other mobile in Samsung store
  • Touch screen with fully capacitive, with amoled screen display, with Scratch resistant

3.Camera and Sound system

  • 8.0megapixel, with auto focus and Flash, With HD video recording
  • Secondary camera with front end for video support and live chat
  • Standard music player with FM radio and 3.5 mm Earphone jack

4.Network connectivity

  • 3G network support and Bluetooth, USB, Wifi, Internet surfing, GPS and global Map system for movement on geographic location

5.Application store

  • Windows own market support so users can install directly from app store and give jump with more accretive apps by Microsoft.


  • Screen size : 4.8 inch with screen resolution upto 720 X 1280 px.
  • Processor : Dual core 1.5 GHz with 1 Gb ram supported
  • Memory : no storage limitation for contacts and massaging storage capacity, with internal memory 16GB + External memory slot / Expanded UP to  64 GB


  • Weigh 135 Gms with 8.7 mm side thick
  • Battery Capacity : 2300 mAh

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Monday, June 10, 2013

IOS 7 Best features and Release date

Posted by Jaysukh Patel

IOS 7 Best features and Release date :

IOS 7 preview and features now officially release date available on its apple site. Now user can touch the new IOS from Apple’s Iphone,Ipad, and Ipod touch device. with newly upgraded best apps for users like Photos, Camera, Calendar, Weather and others, best added new services like iTunes Radio and features like AirDrop, its make successful OS from till that days. And users reviews are going on positive way.

IOS 7 make the users handy with easier, Faster and more comfortable apps. And human under stable looks make more interesting among people.

IOS 7 First look

List of the Best features

  • Control Centre
  • Notification Centre
  • Multitasking
  • Camera
  • Photos
  • Airdrop
  • Safari
  • Itunes radio
  • Siri

Control center :

 its helps to direct option after unlock screen, that’s are Switch to Airplane mode, Turn Wi-Fi on, Brightness change with swap a bar control, Player control.
You can quickly access your flashlight, timer, camera, Calculator, and much more.

Notification Centre: 

 notification centre knows new mail, missed call, and more. You can check your notification of three types like today’s, future, and all the notification. Suppose birthday notification display for the future notify. But on the days is automatically swap in today’s notification.
So its one of the best innovation by apple in new IOS 7.
Notification in IOS7


You can check multiple window with scrolling the screen. You can stop the running apps with just swipe on top side.
Add caption


Hardware part in camera no more changes but the functionality wise its makes the more iffician then the previously Apple’s os.
Video recording with more option and controls.
Photo shooting with panorama photo capturing option just like in android phone.
Still and Square types of photo capturing.
You can also filter with the different environment and you can apply your chaise filter with more option easily.

Photos :

Display all the photo at one place wih your collection option, you can also see your yearly photos in cloud. See the below screens.
Photo collection
Photo collection year wise

Air Drop:

IOS 7 uses air drop to make more faster with photo and document, Video, and contects sharing more power full with Air drop sharing icon available in any apps.

Air Drop


Safari comes with Wow! From the crowd. Because IOS make easy browsing with tab sequeince option and make attractive with overlapping tabs. To open new tab users have to just press plus sign in below middle sign.
Safari in IOS 7

Itune Radio And Siri

You can enjoy your life with Itune radio option that’s make more with the more tune option to listen the music and famous albums with easy search and predefine option.
I tune

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

How to get any wi-fi password | Step by Step guide

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Now a day’s most of the device run on without wire, so to run this types of device we need network connection with wireless device. but it’s possible only with wifi network. Now a day’s most of the offices covered with the wifi networks.

At that’s moment sometimes users get lost your own wireless – wifi network password to connect with wifi network.
Using this technique: How to get wifi password without any application you can retrieve within 5 to 6 steps. That’s display below in step by steps. So please read all the steps carefully any follow that.

In which option you can get wifi network connection

  1. You must have wifi enabled devise
  2. In your devise wifi should be connected any of the unknown network – Wifi available with the lock mark than you will anjoy after follow the below steps.
  3. You have get password from already connected device on that wifi networks.

But some of the users lose his password or forget after some time can retrieve using below method.

Step 1: Go on device which is already connected in that’s network, not how to connect it may be connected through wifi or Wired connection
Step 2 : Type CMD in search result OR press (Windows + R ) key
Follow the below two steps
Step 1, Command Promt

Step 2, Type Ipconfig in Command Promt

Step 3 : Go on connected device’s browser and type Default get way IP in browser url
Some thing like in below figure, most of the getaway’s ip is same for all router device –
But double check is required because some of the time it will be changed with private setting by network operator.
Step 3, Open browser and type Default getway IP
Step 4 : Hit the Enter , you can see blow screen in your browser, Authentication Required.
Login password and user name is set by default user name admin and password admin
Hit the login button.
Step 4, login

Step 5 : Finally you will get your own wifi password in upcoming screen.
See the blow screens,
Step 5, Password get
If you have any queary then put in below comment box, we will be glad to help you.
Don’t miss to join with our community from Facebook and Google+ OR Twitter.
All the best..
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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Best music and Video player plugins for your blog and websites | light weight

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Now days each of the blogger and webmaster finding best tools to run video streaming on your personal site and blog. For do that webmaster put the embedded code to run video. As result of that’s thought is going to the right path which proves better experience to the reader.

Experienced webmaster 100 per believe this matter, cause video give the extra impression on product and also look wise.

But some of the other reason also behind it,

For blogger you have to simple put embedded code in your html code, its works fine. Webmaster’s own video doesn't play using that’s type of sort method.

Why we add video tools

1. Some the complex process to run any of the product, that’s May hardware or software. Give the best guide with step by guide in video.
2. Its also give live video streaming from your source or server.
3. Some of the light weight tools gives batter experience in place with your own player.
4. Using this you may solve using this different tool.
5. More option to choose best screen, match with you design and look.

You can use below player : Best music player for your blog and websites

1. Flowplayer 3.1

Player 1,FlowPlayer
Type : Audio/Video
Flowplayer is an open source player to run audio and video on your sites. You can run video using html and JavaScript with combine use in easy steps.

Place the html code: where to play video on your site
Create java scrip in head of the html file:
You can also put your cover image on video:

For more instruction please visit: Help From Flowplayer
If you have any query then please keep comment in below comment box: we will be glade with help to you!
For word press users : Free plugins

2. JW Player

Player 2,JWPlayer

Type : Audio/Video
JW player one of the most compatible media option to run FLV light weight video with easy streaming its support more if the file type like (FLV, MP4, MP3, AAC, JPG, PNG, and GIF also) it also support RTMP, HTTP, Live streaming, with more advance settings.
You can download from here : Click to download
IF you have any query then post in below comment.

3. More of the different types of player

1. Dewplayer

Player 3,DewPlayer
Type : audio
For wordpress users : Wordpress plugins

2. MP3 Player :

Player 4,Mp3Player
Type : Audio
Download plugins : MP3 Player :
For to install : Click full guide

3. WP Audio Player

Type : audio
Direct Download: Click to download
To installation instruction: Click for installation
For non – wordpress plugins : Full guide

4. Yahoo media player

Player 5,YahooMediaPlayer
Type : audio
Yahoo developer providing own media player to get enjoy on your site and blog. So to do this job you have to simple put single java scrip in your site or blog.
No any issue to put java scrip in your site. And it’s also very light making your blog more powerful.
You can get download and full instruction from : here

5. Premium Beat Flash MP3 Players

Premium Beat Flash MP3 Players available for only for audio type. Premium beat very light video player apart from the others.
Premium beast installation help : about premium beat
Wordpress users : install WP
Installation instruction for WP plugins : Full installation guide

6. Flash Mp3 Player

Type: Audio
Flash Mp3 player advance with more suitable technique and method that’s helps to install in your site and blog with out and programming knowledge.
So you have enjoyed with read installation instructions. From here

7. Flabell Flash MP3 Player

Type: Audio
To use flabell flash player simple registration is required before download.
Click to register and download

8. XSPF Web music player

Download link : Here
Installation instruction guide : Click to read

9. Macromedia Flash MP3 Music Player

Macromedia Flash MP3 Music Player helps to customize player with your side after selection different color combination. And you can enjoy with 25 beck to beck mp3 song. Continuously
Click to enjoy: here

If you have any query in installation thane put below comment box. We will glade to help. Or you have another best player then put below comment box.
Don’t miss to join our knowledgekites community with Twitter OR Facebook

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Monday, June 3, 2013

How to find best apps for my smart phone | Android | Iphone | Ipad

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Now a day millions of app available to download in free, but some of them are same in functionality and design. But you never decide without follow the below prevent steps before to install and buy from thousands of sites.
Find best apps
You fill more confusion as android users to finding the best apps in particular category. Because now a day’s android market becomes a very large day by day.

Where we look to chose the best apps:

User’s reviews :

For the entire new product in new market, values covering with the user’s reviews, because users give your personal opinion after giving the best experience in any mode of usage.
Now generally star widget putting in front of the all the apps.
Don’t miss to read comment by the users.


Description shows the advance features and motto of this application. Generally description is written by the developers. The entire question submitting like: why we create, how different from the others. What is the best tag, and plus point of the apps.

Design – Screen Shots

If you are not ready to read description then you can also understand after see all screen
With available required option.

Here we are dispalying to try best apps coming easily

1.The official Android site
This site helps to download best app for all time. Its official site maintain by the android. That’s always updating.
Android apps searchable with the category, stars from the users, number of downloads, QR codes for download.
5.App Store HQ

If you find more then put your suggestion in below comment box. Thanks for sharing.
For more mobile coverage, follow knowledgekites Mobile on Twitter or become a fan on Facebook
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Sunday, June 2, 2013

How to block unknown friend request in facebook

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
facebook give the users privacy to protect nuisance from unknown people in the form of sent request time to time. Most of the users are attacking on your account through fake account and send request to become a friend any of the person who is in or out of circle.

Stop facebook friend request with block
The unknown friend request is the violence again facebook terms and service.

Why we have to stop friend request?

Some of the users have a fake account also so, this kind of people have to more fun to create a relationship with the unknown friend.

Second reason is that some of the users are become a popularity using this group, so at the end of the result users can add friends in his/her friend directly in group.

Now a days facebook deleting this types account in each days. Millions of the account blocked by facebook in past week. Cause is that its violence agin the facebook terms and conditions.

Once your account has been blocked : facebook gives best option at the login time to select your right friends and it will works fine. If you are failing in this process then you have to wait for two are three days. Again you have to complete the option to select your friends with the name.

How to block friend request in my account by unknown – Step by Step guide

Solution 1

Step 1

Please find the privacy setting(lock icon on top ribbon) and side of the home option. Tap that’s icon and you will get in third option “how do I stop someone from bothering me?”
Than your screen will be look like in below screens.
Step 1, Select Top privacy option

Step 2

Enter your unknown friend request or email address in text box and hit the block button.
Step 2, Enter email or name as block user

Step 3

You can also see all the block users in list with tapping “View all Blocked users”.
You can unblock with the unblock option in front of the name of the friend.
Step 3, Unblock the block users from the list of blocked users

Solution 2

All time solution : its latest features by facebook
You can set option for friend request : people can send only who are friends of friends,
You can set from the below option , see the screen
Step 1, to stop friend request pevently

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