Monday, July 1, 2013

Best SEO tools and plugins for wordpress or blogger | Get best SEO number

Posted by Jaysukh Patel
Now a day’s most of the wordpress and blogger site looks in different with some important tools and plugins to improve sites ranking. That’s helps to SEO (Search engine optimization)
This topic helps to the basic to deep understanding regarding to the some key points always to be fit in mind for each professional blogger and site master. Now none of site available that’s not using SEO tools and plugins.


Wordpress has a batter SEO tools and Plugins Then the blogger

SEO mostly connected with the Social marketing and Commenting. Social marketing means How to use my site this social media like facebook, twitter, Google+ , Stumble upon, digg, pinit ect. Now a day’s hundreds of biggest social site available to share and promote your site or content in simple click. “Best Social Media site Forever
Now how to use social media with putting redirect icon of social media. Some of the basic criteria works behind it.

Where to use – Place

You can put social media icon for SEO in easy catch up by first time visitor’s eye. With extra color combination or animated icon. But for the blogger and wordpress can use own social media tools and plugins easily. But any of the newbie have to difficult with change in CSS or Html coding. For that you have to learn some basic no more points.
Now thousands of plugins are available to use with simple installation process. “How to install plugins in wordpress” for blogger can use free gadget by adding extra gadget.

Best SEO tools and plugins for wordpress or blogger

1. Submit XML sitemap in google

Submit your xml site map to google through the google analytics. What is google analytics? How its use by webmaster and blogger? XML site map plugins helps to the search engine like google, bing, Yahoo. whenever A content finder search the word in search engine at that’s moment each search engine boot, and find the search term from the XML site maps that’s link our site and get top in search ranking also.

2. SEO ultimate

This plugins helps to find your post with auto generated met tag from your post. Metatag is helps to find with keyword search from your blog easily. Its alos best SEO plugins with less effort get more result with sharpness.

3. Social media in SEO

At the starting stage for this story I explain why we use and where to use social media shortcut button in blog or wordpress.

4. Yoast Plugins for best SEO

Youst for SEO works fine in wordpress and site with simple installation process. Youst helps with find out Your post categories, types, Related tags, links, page rank, ect

5. Creative and Easy URL

Now a days not thousands but millions of sites available with same topic and discussion blog and site. So prevent we start our blog some of the basic criteria we have to consider in marketing strategy : Please read “How to choose best domain with number points fit in mind” don’t miss. Its first stage of your innovative idea

For more lesson to SEO, blogging and technology news meet at one place. Please join with Us using social media : Google + , Facebook and Twitter.

1 comment:

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